Today , the students of 1st ESO and 1st BTO have enjoyed some culture classes offered by Burlington Books.
Johnny, an Irish teacher trainer, has talked about:

- British Traditions and Festivals. (ESO). From Halloween to Bonfire Night, Boxing Day to April Fool’s Day, students have learnt about some strange and curious traditions and festivals, some of which are only celebrated in Britain.
- A Trip to Britain (BTO). Students have discovered why the British drive on the left as well as learning about the world’s first underground system. They’ve also discovered about the cultural differences between different parts of the UK and the different languages spoken in Wales and Scotland.
- New York, New York (BTO). Students have been taken on a trip around the Big Apple. They’ve found out about the history of this great metropolis and about the different immigrants that have contributed to its success. They’ve also taken a look at the city’s various sports teams and musical heritage.

These classes bring the language alive. We love them!